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    1.   為增進(jìn)中巴兩國人民的友誼和交流,北京市人民對外友好協(xié)會、天津市人民對外友好協(xié)會、河北省人民對外友好協(xié)會、北京市東城區(qū)人民政府、首都圖書館在中國人民對外友好協(xié)會、中國駐巴基斯坦大使館的支持下,與全巴基斯坦中國友好協(xié)會共同舉辦“中巴青少年‘一帶一路’繪畫比賽”。

        In order to strengthen the friendships and exchanges between the peoples of China and Pakistan, the Beijing People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries together with its counterparts in Tianjin and Hebei, the All Pakistan China Friendship Association, Beijing Dongcheng District People's Government, and Capital Library of China organized the China-Pakistan Youth Painting Contest on Belt and Road Initiative in July.

      一等獎作品 FIRST PRIZE

      二等獎作品 SECOND PRIZE

      三等獎作品 THIRD PRIZE

      1301.jpgBlossiming Friendship 友誼之花盛開
      1302.jpgPanda with Markhor 熊貓和捻角山羊
      1303.jpgThe Road 路
      2304.jpg想與為一 共同發(fā)展 Develop Together
      2301.jpg中巴友誼源 Source of China-Pakistan Friendship
      2302.jpg中巴友誼長存 China-Pakistan Friendship Lasts Forever
      2309.jpg中巴友誼·互利共贏 China-Pakistan Friendship, Mutual Benefit
      2303.jpg中巴友誼萬歲 Long Live the Friendship between China and Pakistan
      2308.jpg盛會·歡聚 Gathering
      2306.jpg美麗天津 Beautiful Tianjin
      2305.jpg一帶一路——暢想 Imagine of Belt and Road
      2307.jpg同舟共濟(jì)·一帶一路 Together on Belt and Road

      優(yōu)秀獎作品 MERIT PRIZE

      2404.jpg中巴友誼地久天長 China-Pakistan Friendship Lasts Forever
      2407.jpg見證中巴友誼 China-Pakistan Friendship in the Eye
      2406.jpg中巴友誼長存 China-Pakistan Friendship Lasts Forever
      more.jpg更多 more

      相關(guān)信息 INFORMATION








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